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Fit Girl

Online coaching

Welcome to our transformative online coaching experience, where we offer two distinct programs designed to elevate your health and fitness journey: the "Holistic Nutrition Program" and the "Divinity Program." Whether you're a busy professional, a remote worker, or a stay-at-home parent, our programs are tailored to accommodate your lifestyle and fitness level, empowering you to achieve optimal well-being on your own time.




A vital aspect of any fitness journey is nutrition. Our program provides you with a clear breakdown of what you should be eating to support your goals, along with guidance on meal planning, portion control, and making healthy food choices.




Our program begins with a detailed assessment of your current fitness level, goals, and preferences. With this information, we create a personalized workout plan that is challenging yet achievable, ensuring that you make consistent progress.


coaching CALLS


We believe in the power of accountability. Your dedicated coach will schedule regular one-on-one calls to discuss your progress, answer your questions, and provide motivation and support when you need it most.




Stay connected with your coach throughout the week. Our weekly text check-ins allow you to share your triumphs, discuss challenges, and receive quick feedback to keep you on track.



Together with your coach, you'll set achievable weekly goals and create action plans to ensure you stay focused on your journey. This proactive approach helps you break down your larger fitness goals into manageable steps.



Watch your progress unfold in real-time with our tracking tools. From measurements and photos to workout logs and nutrition journals, we've got you covered. Seeing your hard work pay off is incredibly motivating.

Experience a holistic transformation journey with our online health and fitness programs. It's more than just receiving a workout plan; it's embracing a comprehensive transformation experience aimed at helping you become the healthiest and happiest version of yourself.

Are you prepared to embark on this journey towards a healthier, more vibrant you?

Enroll today and let's embark on this transformative journey together!


Dive into our Success Stories and witness firsthand the incredible journeys of individuals who have conquered their fitness goals with Bodies Divine Fitness. Be inspired, be motivated – your success story starts here. Check out our Success Stories now and envision the possibilities for your own fitness journey!


​Take the first step towards a healthier you. Book a Discovery Call today to learn more about our online coaching programs and how they can help you achieve your wellness goals.


Whether chosen as a standalone program or as an enhancement to your fitness training with any of our training programs, Holistic Nutrition Coaching ensures sustainable, transformative results.

Embark on a holistic journey towards optimal well-being with our 12-week Holistic Nutrition Coaching. This comprehensive program is tailored to your individual needs and includes:


- 4 live coaching sessions for personalized guidance and support.

- Weekly check-ins to track progress and adjust strategies as needed.

- Meticulous progress tracking to celebrate milestones and stay accountable.

- Personalized meal planning and expert dietary guidance to support your nutrition goals.

- Behavior change strategies to cultivate sustainable habits for lasting results.

- Educational tools to empower you with comprehensive knowledge resources.

- Ongoing support to ensure you're supported every step of the way.


Empower yourself to redefine your health journey with our transformative Divinity Program.

Experience the pinnacle of wellness with our Divinity Program, a harmonious fusion of fitness and nutrition expertise over 12 weeks. This program seamlessly integrates the transformative elements of the Holistic Nutrition Program with a dynamic fitness training regimen. Key features include:


- Customized Workouts: Progressive training programs with video tutorials for your physique goals.


- All features of the Holistic Nutrition Program: Live coaching sessions, weekly check-ins, progress tracking, personalized meal planning, expert dietary guidance, behavior change strategies, educational tools, and ongoing


Complete Transformative

Coaching Program

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